Business Incorporation Services

Myrtle Beach Incorporations

Hiring an experienced CPA firm when you decide to incorporate your business is one of the best investments you can make. At Clemmons King & Brown, LLC, our Myrtle Beach, SC team is ready to provide you with a wealth of information and one-on-one services that will meet your business’ specific needs and foster success from the beginning.

The first step in incorporating is determining your business structure. We present you with valid options and provide our professional recommendation regarding the type of entity that will best serve your business early on as well as in the future. Our team will review the different types of business structures with you – S corporations, C corporations, and LLCs – and we’ll explain how each structure functions in terms of ownership, liability, and taxes. We can also help you draft a business plan to serve as the blueprint for your business. A strong business plan is more than a means to securing outside financing for your business; it also showcases your business in an organized manner and acts as a roadmap to your long-term growth goals. As your business grows, our dependable team can lend guidance regarding bookkeeping and general accounting needs as well as tips on how to withstand change for continued success.

Incorporation and Business Advisory

Take the first step in incorporating your business by calling us at 843-582-0439 or requesting a free consultation online.